Do I owe Peter my life?

Created by Prasannavira 5 years ago

I can't say I was one of Peter's closest friends but this was due more to circumstance than anything else - in fact, I have held Peter in very high regard since we first met around over 20 years ago. He has been one of the bravest, most generous and sincere men I have known. 

One clear memory. I used to see Peter around, we would have some banter together. On one occasion around 12 years ago, at a time when I was still adjusting to the reality of having recently become a father, I was in Bethnal Green, cycling, saw Peter and stopped to say hello. He looked me in the eye and, with a smile, said: "Prasannavira, you're a father now with responsibilities - you need to look after yourself for others - wear a cycling helmet!!!"

Humbled, of I knew he was right and, following this, most of the time I took his advice - in fact on one occasion I came off my bike and the helmet took a knock, cracked but I was fine. Without a helmet, it could easily have been my head that had cracked and I perhaps wouldn't have been able to write this or be a father.

Perhaps it's not too fanciful to think that Peter may have saved my life and perhaps, directly or indirectly, I'm not the only one.

Thank you , a light has perhaps gone out but I am confident that the light will return ...
